
This is an open collaborative project. We already have a variety of partners and contributors and we'd love to have more! Here are some of the ways you can get involved:

If you like research and writing

  • Contribute to the , for example by adding articles, papers and research on web3 and background topics.
  • Write up key concepts and ideas. You can check out our to see which ones could be extended or improved.
    • See our task list for open topics.
    • See our task list for open topics.
  • Read our on how to contribute or edit content on the website.
  • Proof edit articles and transcribe dialogs. Please to find out more.

If you like coding and designing

  • Check out the github repo for the project:

If you like exploring and sharing

  • Check out our videos and resources.
  • Share the work with others.


Offer us your feedback and suggestions through . For example:

  • Are there particular topics or areas you think we should cover?
  • Do you disagree with any of our assessments? Have we missed or misunderstood something?
  • Do you have feedback on how we structure or present the thinking?